Sunday 16 February 2020


Rector of Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, seating on a keg of gun powders which is about to explode.
"May the hottest seats in hell be reserved for whosoever keeps mute in the face of tyrannical social injustice."
The Senate leadership of National Association of Polytechnic Students (NAPS) received with great shock, a devastating and suspiciously conspirated virile news over an alleged involvement in cultism by the Students' Union Government President of Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State on Sunday 9th February, 2020.
It is wary and scary to note as issues unveils on the subject matter that there is more to the first concocted stories. The whole scenarios connotes the unholistic and autocratic leadership by the administrative head of the institution led by Arc. Dr. Olusegun Olanrewaju Aluko. Also the coalition of the Nigerian Police Force and other involved security parastatals in defacing a selfless humanitarian is alarming to humanity.

As sensitive, sociologic, and psychologic the case is, considering the different facets of engagements and fact findings as reported by the Senate Committee on alleged cultism on Distinguished Senator Adegboye Emmanuel Olatunji who is a Senator of the Senate Assembly of NAPS. We sympathetically solidarize with one of us. That we are Radical Comrades or Students' leaders should not be digested as being a cultist or rascals.
Haven considered Comrade Adegboye Emmanuel Olatunji as qualified for the seat of The SUG President of the citadel of learning, the Senate leadership of NAPS want to unarguably believe that Sen. Olatunji was extensively scrutinized academically, morally, and socially through the ever indomitable Nigerian Students of the Polytechnic, the security unit of the Polytechnic and by extensions, the Dean Students' Affairs, and the Polytechnic Rector before becoming the number one Student of the institution, we want to believe he was screened of all social vices free during the electioneering period before elected.
It is on this note we are passing our VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE on the Polytechnic Rector and the Commissioner of Police.
Our Questions?
1. Why has the Rector and other security stakeholders who were involved in crediting a pass to Sen. Olatunji to become the Union President now found guilty of maliciously raping the process you all once supervised?
2. Why was the Rector so fast in defacing his number one Student without necessitated investigation?
"If our Rectors can be fast in denying us without further inquiries to issues that matters, then we should not be calm to declare them wanted to antigraft agencies for their involvement in financial imbroglios when need be as nothing is as bad as being a THIEF with professionalism." We are getting there soonest, that's a struggle for another day as our "whistle blowing committee" will be launched soon.
3. Why has the Rector mandatorily directed the Speaker of the Students' Representative Council (SRC) to unconditionally and unconstitutionally impeach, suspend the Union President or whatever the case maybe while subscribing and subjecting them to decision under duress?
4. Why were the vigilantes who bursted Sen. Olatunji for shabbily scripted alleged cultism furious about the President's fight against rents hike, that they had to say it to his ear before getting him unconscious?
5. If truly Sen. Olatunji had been a member of that secret society with alleged occupance of been the number one or three as widely spreaded, why has he not been caught either in possession or in company of armunitions considering the fact that it was reported that the location was used for initiation?
6. Why did the vigilante group failed to follow the normal procedure of handing over the suspect to the police but they instead took him to his institution directly? Upon investigation, the scenario of arrest occur around 1pm on Sunday afternoon, and the vigilante group claimed the initiation started around 7am on Sunday morning. It is high time we asked the Anti-Cultism department of the Nigerian Police Force to tell Nigerian Students the duration of initiation that could have taken place for about six (6) hours?
7. How come that out of the over 40 cultist as projected by the vigilante group, only two (2) were apprehended and others are allowed to escape without pursuing them, how can they exercise an initiation process and no initiation materials and objects are recovered from the scene. No bullet exchanges, and no men of the vigilante sustained injuries. Olatunji himself didn't drag with them nor tried to escape? It is just like assuming enemy captured generals with a group of soldiers fleeing without attempt to rescue the generals.
8. To the best of our knowledge, initiations are never done during the day, even if it will be carried out in the day for reasons best known to members of confraternity, it won't be in such community, rather it will be in the thick bush.
"Indeed, these are few of the boiling questions in the hearts of Nigerian Students home and abroad, and demands answers from the oppressors."
Our Demands:
"Peace, they say; is never in the absence of violence, but in the presence of Justice, Love, Tranquility, and Unity."
As Apostles of Justice in the temple of peace and orderliness, embedded with high level unpolitical and unbiased sagacity, academic ingenuity, and socioeconomic dexterity, it remains pertinent to demand on behalf of all Polytechnic Students home and abroad in thirst for justice as follows, among many other demands too numerous to mention:
1. That; the Ogun State Commissioner of Police should unconditionally revert the parades of Comrade Sen. Olatunji as criminal rather he remains a suspect until found guilty in a competent court of law.
(a). The Ogun State Commissioner of Police should publicly tender unreserved apologies to Comrade Adegboye Emmanuel Olatunji, his family, the Nigerian Students populace, stakeholders, and the general public for misinformation and acceptance of conspiracy in assassination of personality.
(b). The Ogun State Police Command should UNCONDITIONALLY release the Students' Union Government President of The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, as you have unconstitutionally detained a suspect more than stipulated time by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
(c). While we appeals the case to be transferred to the Department of States Security Service (DSSS) Students' desk, as Ogun State Police Command under the Commissioner of Police can no longer be vested the public trust of professionalism in Intelligence Responsibilities, Duties and Handlings. Hence, thorough investigations should be done and all conspired culprits involved must be brought to book, to face the wrath of law, and compensations be made to Sen. Olatunji by all perpetrators of evil.
2. That the School management should suspend the first semester examination, and declare semester break till all atmosphere is calm for a conducive examinations.
(a). Considering the fact that Students are distracted and to make everyone calmly prepare better for their papers without fear of unforseen in such crisis of circumstances and trying time of their President.
(b). Considering the fact that the President is a final year Student, and we cannot afford him having extra year on concocted script like this. Also, it is an avenue for the President of the Union to regain back from his maltreating, malnutrition in detention, and malnutritious academic preparation.
(c). To UNCONDITIONALLY lift the suspension on Olatunji and allow him to finish his academics as a bonafide Student without any hindrances.
3. Sen. Olatunji should be allowed to satisfactorily address a Press Conference without duress.
4. The vigilante group should also release for public hearing their men who kidnapped Olatunji, as they need to tell sane Nigerians;
(a). Why they made him unconscious?
(b). Why his clothes were stripped apart?
(c). And also why they made only two arrest and allowing others to escape in a reported initiation meeting of about six (6) hours?
5. The calls of Sen. Olatunji, the vigilante men that kidnapped him and that of the guy with him within the last 24 hours before the scenario should be made available for assessment by the public and the constituted authorities.
However, the Senate leadership of NAPS beseeches all stakeholders involved in this act to reckon with our Demands on or before Monday 17th, February 2020.
Any nonchalances by the above mentioned to the above stated demands shall results to our leadership to take actions within the armpit and armbit of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by peacefully mobilizing just 0.5% of about 30 million armless battalion Nigerian Students of NAPS to the streets of Ilaro and the State Capital. Any further negligence, after giving room for all to sheath swords within limited period of time, the 30 million armless battalions across the Nation and beyond shall also not hesitate to further demand for the immediate and forceful resignation or sack of the Commissioner of Police and the Rector of Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State.
Finally, while I appreciate the patience of Nigerian Students and other stakeholders despite our thirstiness and eagerness to get justice delivered. I want to call on all Human Rights Movement and Activist, Progressive and ideological Alutarians, lovers of justice, freedom fighters, Comrades, Nigerian Students home and abroad, and stakeholders to join us in this struggle, as it is worthy and humble of note to declare our campaign of "NO OLATUNJI, NO EXAMS" for our Comrade. This will in no doubt Kickstart on Monday, 17th February, 2020 to ensure our Comrade doesn't not have an extra year for justly agitating on behalf of his immediate constituency, and also making sure that our students writes their exams in an unphobia and undistracted atmospheric conditions.

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